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OHH - Installation at Samra Fast Track Power Plant


Orient Heavy Haulage completed over 12 conventional power projects in the last 10 years in Jordan, Syria and Sudan. Attarat Oil Shale Power Plant, Samra Phases 3 & 4 Power Plants, ACWA Power Zarqa

Orient Heavy Haulage has handled all wind energy projects in Jordan, total of 9 projects and 209 turbines. Our team has a lot of experience handling WTG components, including transport, loading

Orient Heavy Haulage delivered the nuclear reactor to the Nuclear Research Facility in Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2014.

Orient Heavy Haulage offers transport and lifting services to the Oil & Gas industry, helping in expansion projects and replacement of oversized components.

Orient Heavy Haulage worked on a number of projects in the industrial sector during the last 10 years including Modern Cement Factory, Jordan Indian Fertilizer Factory, APC Dam Remediation and APC Crystallizers #3 & #4 Replacement.

Orient Heavy Haulage provides transport services to the mining sector, where dump trucks and large excavators weighing up to 300t need to be relocated between mining sites.

Orient Heavy Haulage worked in Aqaba port expansion projects in 2012 & 2017, where transport of oversized cargo was required.

Orient Heavy Haulage offers transport and lifting services to companies working in civil infrastructure, where large girders, steels sections and other structural elements need to be moved or